Home > Events > 77th WPI IIIS Seminar (Prof. Kenichiro Itami)


77th WPI IIIS Seminar (Prof. Kenichiro Itami)

Date: 2016/4/13, Wed. 11:00〜12:00

Venue: 1F Auditorium, IIIS Building, University of Tsukuba


Speaker: Prof. Kenichiro Itami (Professor, WPI-ITbM, Nagoya University)

Title: "Rapid synthesis catalysts meet plant biology and chronobiology"

Language: English


Small-molecule approaches can be complementary to genetic approaches for exploring biology and beyond. The Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) at Nagoya University, aims at developing game-changing molecules and molecular technology for plant biology, chronobiology, and live imaging. By using our original rapid molecule-assembling catalysts, a number of lead compounds were rapidly discovered. In this talk, I will describe the overview of ITbM and our exciting on-going collaborative projects merging synthetic chemistry, plant biology, animal biology, computational chemistry, and live imaging.

>>Professor Kenichiro Itami



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