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Research Highlights

Thermal radiation from red-hot carbon nanotubes ~ Potential applications toward photothermal conversion material ~

A team of scientists have found that ultra-narrow-band near-infrared thermal radiation is observed upon heating carbon nanotubes at high temperatures and have elucidated its mechanism. Carbon nanotubes are drawing attention as next generation materials with various applications due to their attractive optical, electric and mechanical properties. However, the thermal radiation properties of carbon nanotubes have been unexplored until now as a result of technical issues. In their studies, the team has established a specific experimental system where they applied laser heating to nanotubes and observed thermal radiation in a narrow wavelength range. The outcome of this study is expected to lead to improvement in the efficiency of conversion from thermal energy to light energy at a specific wavelength.


Journal Information

This article "Ultra-narrow-band near-infrared thermal exciton radiation in intrinsic one-dimensional semiconductors" by Taishi Nishihara, Akira Takakura, Yuhei Miyauchi & Kenichiro Itami is published online in Nature Communications

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05598-3


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From the left: Prof. Kenichiro Itami, Visiting Assoc. Prof. Yuhei Miyauchi, Prof. Taishi Nishihara


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