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ITbM/IGER seminar (Dr. Yvonne Stahl)

Date: 2014/4/28

Venue: Science South Building 1F, Seminar Room


Time: 13:00 - 14:30

Speaker: Dr. Yvonne Stahl
Institute for Developmental Genetics, Heinrich Heine University, Germany

Title: The Dynamics of Root Stem Cell Regulation: Old Players with New Function?

Language: English

Dr. Yvonne Stahl is an active biologist, specializing in plant biology. She has been focusing her research on dynamic regulation of plant stem cells, especially intercellular signaling processes mediated by small peptide ligands and their respective receptors. In this time, she will give us a lecture titled ''The Dynamics of Root Stem Cell Regulation: Old Players with New Function?''.


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