ITbM/IGER/RCMS seminar (Prof. Matt Sigman)
Date: 2014/10/30
Venue: Noyori Materials Science Laboratory 2F, Lecture Room
Time: 16:30 - 18:00
Speaker: Prof. Matthew S. Sigman (The University of Utah, USA)
Title: Analyzing and Predicting Selectivity in Asymmetric Catalysis
Abstract: Professor Sigman is one of major organic chemists and is currently an associate editor of the Journal of American Chemical Society, and a member of the editorial advisory board of The journal of Organic Chemistry. He has received many awards including Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award in 2010. His research interest is focused on the discovery of new practical catalytic reactions with broad substrate scope, excellent chemoselectivity, and high stereoselectivity to access novel medicinally relevant architectures. His research group is engaged in several collaborative projects. One of them is to evaluate their compound collections for various cancer types at the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah and follow-up investigations to identify improved compounds as well as understanding the mechanism of action.