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Takashi Ooi

Researcher ID

1989B.S.; Nagoya University (Applied Chemistry & Synthetic Chemistry)
1991M.S.; Nagoya University (Applied Chemistry)
1994Dr. Eng.; Nagoya University (Applied Chemistry)
1992-1994JSPS Research Fellow (DC)
1994-1995JSPS Research Fellow; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
1995-1998Assistant Professor; Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
1998-2000Lecturer; Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
2001-2006Associate Professor; Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
2006-presentProfessor; Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
2013-presentProfessor; WPI-ITbM, Nagoya University
2013-presentResearch Representative; JST CREST Project

Takashi Ooi Nagoya University

Organic ion pair catalysis, molecular recognition, molecule activation, pharmaceuticals

Ooi has been creating a bold stream of research on the molecular design of various chiral organic ion pairs and their rational structural modifications for eliciting unique functions as molecular catalysts, providing a solid basis for safe and sustainable supply of useful organic compounds. His accomplishments have had a significant impact on the frontiers of chemistry in terms of developing a fundamental understanding of the relationship between the three-dimensional structure of a chiral organic ion pair and its catalytic and stereocontrolling abilities. He will be involved mainly in the development of molecules that selectively induce plant growth, molecules that improve animal reproduction, and molecules that can overcome species barrier, collaborating with the groups of Kinoshita, Yoshimura, Higashiyama, Bode, and Itami.

Research Highlights

Selected Awards and Honors

2014Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
2013Inoue Prize for Science, Inoue Foundation
2011IBM Japan Science Prize
2010JSPS Prize, Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
2008ACP Lectureship Award, Taiwan

Selected Publications

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