Home > Research Highlights > Selective Functionalization Synthesizes Chemotherapeutic Natural Products

Research Highlights

Selective Functionalization Synthesizes Chemotherapeutic Natural Products


Through an extensive international collaboration, Professor Huw Davies and Katie Chepiga of Emory University, along with Professor Kenichiro Itami, Junichiro Yamaguchi and Atsushi Yamaguchi at the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) of Nagoya University have synthesized marine alkaloids with anti-cancer and therapeutic properties through a sequential C-H functionalization strategy.

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Journal Information:

"Concise Syntheses of Dictyodendrins A and F by a Sequential C-H Functionalization Strategy" Atsushi D. Yamaguchi, Kathryn M. Chepiga, Junichiro Yamaguchi, Kenichiro Itami, and Huw M. L. Davies, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2015)

