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17th Exhibition of ITbM Gallery: Tapestries

Date: September 1 (Wed) - 30 (Thu), 2021  Weekday: 9:30-19:30

Venue: Entrance Hall, 1F, Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University (ITbM)

Artist: Briar Rose Pelletier

Title: Tapestries

ITbM has organized a lot of events on the concept of "Mix." ITbM Gallery is one of them.

The major theme of the ITbM Gallery is the "Mix" of science and art. We expect scientists to get inspired by this event and generate some new exciting "Mix" ideas. We would like to create an opportunity for the NU students, faculty members, and staff to ponder what the "Mix" concept is.

At the 17th ITbM Gallery, we will hold an exhibition titled "Tapestries" by Briar Rose Pelletier, MA at NU specializing in art history. "The tapestry of one's life is woven by our own hands" is the concept of the exhibition. Koginzashi tapestries will be displayed in the gallery space with a message "Life experiences can inspire and take on creative forms one never expected".

*When visiting the Gallery, please be sure to take precautions against the spread of COVID-19, such as wearing masks and washing your hands. We thank you for your cooperation.

Tapestries - Briar Pelletier.JPG

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