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Toshinori Kinoshita

Researcher ID

1991B.S.; Kyushu University (Biological Science)
1993M.S.; Kyushu University (Biological Science)
1994Dr. Sci.; Kyushu University (Biological Science)
1993-1994JSPS Research Fellow (DC)
1994-1999Research Associate; School of Sciences, Kyushu University
1999-2007Assistant Professor; Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University
2005-2009JST PRESTO Researcher
2007-2010Associate Professor; Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
2010-presentProfessor; Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
2013-presentDirector; Gene Research Center, Nagoya University
2013-presentProfessor; WPI-ITbM, Nagoya University

Toshinori Kinoshita Nagoya University

Plant molecular biology, plant chemical biology, stomata, auxin, plant growth

Kinoshita has been studying signaling pathways of stomatal opening and closing, and molecular mechanisms of plant cell growth in response to the phytohormone auxin. By using genetic, biochemical, and physiological approaches, he has identified the key components regulating stomatal opening and closing reported by Darwin in 1898. More recently, he reported evidence for the existence of an unidentified auxin receptor responsible for plant growth, which became the basis of one of the core projects in this Institute. He will be involved mainly in the development of molecules that selectively induce plant growth, collaborating with the groups of Itami, Crudden, Ooi, and Torii.

Research Highlights


Selected Awards and Honors

2015-2019 Project Leader for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, MEXT Grant-in-Aid Project
2007Minister Award for Distinguished Young Scientists

Selected Publications

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