Home > News > Paper from group led by ITbM's Designated Associate Professor Yoshikatsu Sato receives the Japanese Society of Plant Morphology's Hirase Award


Paper from group led by ITbM's Designated Associate Professor Yoshikatsu Sato receives the Japanese Society of Plant Morphology's Hirase Award

The Hirase Award is named after Sakugoro Hirase, who discovered the ginkgo spermatozoid in 1894, and is presented to scientists who have made exceptional contributions in the field of plant morphology. The group of Yoshikatsu Sato, Kakishi Uno and Nagisa Sugimoto, of ITbM's Live Imaging Center, received the award for their paper on the development of Kakshine, a revolutionary fluorescent marker for live plant imaging.

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Designated Associate Professor Yoshikatsu Sato

Article details:
N-aryl pyrido cyanine derivatives are nuclear and organelle DNA markers for two-photon and super-resolution imaging.
Nature Communications 12: 2650 (2021)
Kakishi Uno, Nagisa Sugimoto and Yoshikatsu Sato
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23019-w

ITbM press release:


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