Frommer - Nakamura Group


Frommer-Nakamura Group



2024 May 1

Prof. Wolf Frommer has been elected as a new member of the National Academy of Science in 2024!!


2024 Mar. 20

The paper by Dr. Akira Yoshinari on NIR nuclear autofluorescence imaging has been published in The Plant Journal!!



2024 Feb. 8

Yuichiro Yagami (M2) has been recognized as an excellent student for master’s thesis presentations!!


2024 Jan. 12

Yuichiro Yagami (M2) won the best poster award in the GTR Annual Meeting 2023! Congrats!!


2023 Sep. 25-27

All Frommer lab retreat at Sorpesee in North Rhine-Westphalla, Germany!



2023 Sep. 15-16

A meeting of -Plant Cytoskeleton 2023- was held at Nagoya University.



2023 June 2-4

International Workshop “Advanced imaging and chemical physiology” at Yugawara! We invited Dr. Cheng-Hsun Ho from Academia Sinica and Prof. Masatsugu Toyota from Saitama University as Keynote speakers.



2022 Oct. 18

The image by Dr. Reika Isoda has been selected to appear on the cover of the PNAS issue publishing October 18, 2022.



2022 Oct. 11

The article by Dr. Reika Isoda et al, has been published in PNAS!!


2022 Sep. 20

Dr. Akira Yoshinari’s research proposal has been accepted by JST PRESTO さきがけ in the area “Function and regulation of plant molecules”!


2022 Apr. 11

The review by Dr. Nakamura has been published in Quantitative Plant Biology!!


2022 Apr. 1

Dr. Akira Yoshinari has been appointed as Designated Assistant Professor (YLC program)!!


2022 Feb. 24

The collaborative article by Dr. Wu et al., in which Dr. Isoda participated, has been published in New Phytologist!!


2022 Feb. 18

Yuichiro Yagami (B4) has been recognized as an excellent student for bachelor’s thesis presentations!! Congrats!!


2021 Nov. 17

Prof. Frommer has been named as Highly Cited Researchers 2021 by Clarivate Analytics!!


2021 Nov. 1

Dr. Nakamura promoted to Designated Associate Professor!!


2021 Sep. 16

Dr. Yoshinari received the Best Young Oral Presentation Award at the Hokkaido Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition!!


2021 Aug. 18

The review by Dr. Yagi et al, has been published in Plant & Cell Physiology!!


2021 June 17

The article by Dr. Yagi et al. has been published in Nature Communications!!


2021 Jan. 14

The article by Dr. Yoshinari et al. has been published in Biology of the Cell!!


2020 Dec. 11

The review on Plant Chiral Growth by Dr. Nakamura et al. has been published in Symmetry!!


2020 Nov. 24

The review on plant hormone sensors by Dr. Isoda et al. has been published in the Plant Journal!!


2020 Nov. 12

The Protocol on genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors by Dr. Yoshinari et al. has been published in Arabidopsis Protocols!!


2020 Nov. 19

Prof. Wolf B. Frommer has been named as Highly Cited Researchers 2020 by Clarivate Analytics.


2020 Aug. 07

The article by Dr. Iwatate et al. has been published in The Plant Cell!!


2020 May. 06

The article by Peng et al. has been published in BMC Plant Biology!!


2019 Dec. 02

Prof. Wolf B. Frommer has been named as Highly Cited Researchers 2019 by Clarivate Analytics.


2019 Feb. 01

The article Dr. Yoshinari et al. has been published in Plant Physiology!!


2018 July 31- Aug. 3

Dr. Masayoshi Nakamura was invited to 1st PSC Advanced Microscopic Imaging Symposium @Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology Chinese Academy of Science

‘ Mechanisms for reorientation of Cortical Microtubule Arrays in Response to Blue Light’


2018 May 8

Prof. Wolf B. frommer received Taiwan’s Tsungming Tu Award!







Email: mnakamu[at]





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