Nagoya University

Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research



Fiscal yearly archive:
    Date: June7(Wed),2023,13:30-15:00
    Venue: <Venue change> Lecture room, 1F, ITbM → Noyori Materials Science Laboratory 2F Conference Room
    Speaker: Prof. Chunyan Chi(National University of Singapore)
    Title: Molecular Carbons with Different Topologies and Size
  • GTR-IRCCS Seminar
    Date: June 1(Thu),2023,16:30-18:00
    Venue: Room 142 ,4th floor, #1 building, Sch. of Eng.
    Speaker: Dr. Emmanuel Lacôte (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)
    Title: Boron radicals and macroradicals
  • GTR seminar
    Date:May 29(Mon.),2023,15:00-16:00
    Venue:Agricultural Building lecture room #7
    Speaker:Prof. Eilon Shani (School of Plant Sciences and Food Security Tel Aviv University, Israel)
    Title:Multi-Knock - a multi-targeted genome-scale CRISPR toolbox to overcome functional redundancy in plants
  • GTR Seminar / Topics in Advanced Biological Science
    Date:May 22(Mon.),2023,16:30-18:00
    Venue:Science Building E #131
    Speaker:Dr. Warren R. Francis (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
    Title: Bioluminescence, from ocean to genome
  • ITbM-GTR Seminar
    Date: Apr.10(Mon),2023,13:30-14:30
    Venue: Lecture room, 1F, ITbM
    Speaker: Dr. Satoshi Ogawa (Department of Botany & Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside)
    Title: Molecular basis underlying host tropism in Orobanchaceae parasitic plants
  • GTR seminar
    Date: Apr.10(Mon),2023,13:00-14:30
    Venue: 2F lecture room, Pharmaceutical Science Bldg. & online
    Speaker: Prof. Poul Nissen(DANDRITE - Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience,
    Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University - Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Denmark)
    Title: The role of Na,K-ATPase and plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPase in neuropsychiatric disorders
  • GTR Seminar
    Date:March 17 (Fri),2023,15:00-16:30
    Venue:Room 921 9F, No.1 building Sch. of Eng.
    Speaker:Prof. RamanarayananKrishnamurthy(Department of Chemistry The Scripps Research InstituteLa Jolla, CA, USA)
    Title:Understanding the Emergence of RNA and DNA in terms of Structure-Function in the Context of Origins of Life Studies
  • GTR-ITbM-RCMS Seminar
    Venue:ITbM 1F Lecture room
    Spaeker:Prof.Todd Marder (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
    Title:3-Coordinate Organoboron Compounds Light the Way: Cell Imaging, Biomolecule Sensing, and other Optical and Optoelectronic Application
  • GTR-IRCCS Seminar
    ate:March 1 (Wed), 2023,16:30-18:00
    Venue:Room 142 (4th floor, #1 building, Sch. of Eng.)
    Speaker:Prof. Eric RIVARD (University of Alberta, Canada)
    Title:Frustrated Lewis Pair (FLP) Chelation for Main GroupMaterials Synthesis
  • GTR Seminar
    Venue:SA128,Sci Agr build.
    Speaker:Prof. Lukas Schreiber(Department of Ecophysiology, IZMB,University of Bonn, Germany)
    Title:Abiotic stress responses of cutinized leaves and suberized roots in barley:comparing gene expression, chemical composition and water transport
  • VBL & GTR Joint Seminar
    Date:Jan.24 (Tue),2023,16:00-17:30
    Venue: The Venture Hall, 3F, VBL
    Speaker: Dr. Marc Guerre (IMRCP Laboratory, CNRS UMR 5623, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France)
    Title: VItrimers: from Polymer Design to Industrial Applications
  • GTR-IRCCS Seminar
    Date: January 20 (Fri),2023,16:30-18:00
    Venue: Room 142 (4th floor, #1 building, Sch. of Eng.)
    Speaker:Prof. Rory Waterman (University of Vermont, USA)
    Title: Advances in Metal-Catalyzed Hydrophosphination
  • GTR Seminar
    Date: Jan.19(Thu),2023,15:00-16:30
    Venue:SA329, Sci Agr build.
    Speaker: Prof. Kun-Hsiang LIU (Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University / MGH, USA)
    Title: Exploring novel regulators in nitrate signaling
  • GTR-RCMS-IRCCS Seminar
    Venue:Lecture Hall, Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Bldg. 2F
    Speaker:Prof.Jun Huang ( School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,The University of Sydney)
    TiTle: Advanced Characterization of Nano Catalysts for Sustainable Chemical Process
  • GTR-IRCCS-RCMS Seminar
    Date: Dec.9(Fri.),2022,16:30-18:00
    Venue:Lecture Hall, Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Bldg. 2F
    Speaker:Prof. Dr. Marco Bandini (Univ of Bologna, Italy)
    Title: Carbo- and nickel-catalyzed CO2 valorization: new perspectives in organic synthesis
  • GTR Seminar
    Date: Dec 9(Fri)2022,16:30‒18:00
    Venue: Room A222, Science Building A
    Speaker: Prof.Kentaro Arikawa ( Neuroethology,SOKENDAI-Hayama,Japan)
    Title: Neuroethology of butterfly color vision
  • "GTR NEXT-GENERATION LECTURE" Science Graphic Design
    Date:Session 1&2 :December 2(Fri),2022, 13:00-16:15
       Session 3: December 9,(Fri),2022,13:00-14:30
    Venue:Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) 1F, Lecture Room
    Instructor:Issei Takahashi(Designated lecturer, Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules)
  • GTR Seminar
    Venue:Conference Room, VBL 3F
    Speaker:Prof. Dr.Narcis Avarvari (Université d'Angers, CNRS)
    Title:Circularly Polarized Luminescence (CPL) and Chirality Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) effects with Helicenes and Tetrathiafulvalenes
    Speaker:Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Yamamoto(Research Center of Integrative Molecular Systems,Institute for Molecular Science)
    Title:Spin Current Generation by Chiral Solids
  • IRCCS-IRTG-GTR Joint Symposium
    Date: Nov.28(Mon),2022,9:00-
    Venue: Lecture hall, Noyori Materials Science Laboratry
  • GTR Seminar / Advanced bioscience seminar
    Date: Nov.25(Fri),2022,14:00-15:30
    Venue: NEOREX PLACE (理学南館) Seminar Room
    Speaker: Prof. Tomoyuki Tanaka MD. PhD.(田中智之 博士)(University of Dundee, UK)
    Title: How chromosomes become prepared for mitosis
  • GTR-RCMS seminar
    Venue:Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Chemistry Gallery
    Speaker:Prof. Shyamalava Mazumdar(Department of Chemical Sciences,Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
    Title:Design of artificial metalloenzymes for novel in vitro applications
  • GTR Seminar
    Date: Nov.21(Mon),2022,15:00-16:30
    Venue: SA329,Sci Agr build.
    Speaker: Prof. Weiming SHI (Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Science)
    Title: New understanding of plant tolerance to ammonium toxicity
  • GTR Seminar
    Date: Nov.17(Thu),2022,13:00-14:30
    Venue: 142 Lecture Room, 4F,Eng.Build.No.1
    Speaker:Prof. Dirk Linke ( University of Oslo )
    Title: Measuring and inhibiting bacterial adhesion
  • GTR Organic Seminar
    Venue:The Venture Hall, 3F, VBL
    Speaker:Prof.Boris J.Nachtcheim (University of Bremen, Germany)
    Title: The Versatile Chemistry of N-Heterocycle-stabilized Iodanes - From Synthesis to Halogen Bond Catalysis
  • GTR Seminar
    Date: Nov.8(Tue),2022,16:00-17:30
    Venue: Room A637 in Agriculture-building A / Online with Zoom (hybrid)
    Speaker: Prof. Arnold J.M. Driessen(Molecular Microbiology, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
    Title: Growing membranes for synthetic cells: Building an in vitro phospholipid biosynthesis pathway
    Venue: ITbM Lecture Room (1F)
    Speaker: Prof. Youngmi Kim ( Kyung Hee University )
    Title: Tuning Photophysical Properties of Organic Fluorophores for Their Biological Applications
  • GTR Seminar / Advanced bioscience seminar
    Date: Nov.4(Fri),2022,15:00-16:30
    Venue: Science Building E (E131)
    Speaker: Daniel F. Eberl, PhD (Professor, University of Iowa, USA)
    Title: Positioning ions for efficient operation of ion channels in mechanosensation
  • GTR Seminar
    Date: Oct.27(Thu)15:00-17:30
    Venue:143 Lecture Room, 4F,Eng.Build.No.1
    Speakers:Prof. Christophe Sinturel, Director (University of Orléans,France)
        Dr. Vincent Ladmiral, Director (University of Montpellier, France)
        Dr. Sylvain Caillol, Director (University of Montpellier, France)
    Titles: Nanopatterned Surfaces from Block-Copolymer Self-Assembly(Prof. Christophe Sinturel)
        Fluorine-Activated Vitrimers(Dr. Vincent Ladmiral)
        from Biobased Monomers to Sustainable Polymers(Dr. Sylvain Caillol)
    Date: Oct.18(Tue),2022,16:00-17:30
    Venue: ITbM 1F Lecture Room
    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh(CSIR-NIIST, India)
    TiTle: Bodipy Derived Functional Materials
  • ITbM-GTR/JSPS-IRCCS-RCMS Joint Seminar
    Date: Oct 17 (Monday) 15:00-18:00
    Venue: Lecture Hall, Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Bldg. 2F
    Speaker: Prof.Robert Phipps(University of Cambridge, UK)
        Prof.Hao Xu(Brandeis University, USA)
    Title::Harnessing Non-Covalent Interactions to Address Selectivity Challenges in Catalysis(Prof.Robert Phipps)
       Searching for New Reactivity:Iron-Catalyzed Selective Nitrogen Atom Transfer(Prof.Hao Xu)