Who We Are

ITbM’s Research Promotion Division (RPD) is a new kind of organization never before seen in universities, flexibly and precisely supporting the ever-changing requirements of inter-disciplinary research using schemes which seamlessly transmit ideas from the minds of researchers to the public. Through discussions with researchers, obtaining research funding, intellectual property and technology transfer to name just a few, RPD employs a myriad of methods to break down barriers between research fields and support and communicate with researchers at each stage of their research, promoting ITbM’s globalization and achievements and their social implementation and reception.



Research Promotion Division (RPD),

Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules
(WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University

5F-530, ITbM, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 JAPAN

E-mail: rpd[at]itbm.nagoya-u.ac.jp

Copyright ©2022 ITbM-RPD