Mosquito mini-symposium announcement: Exploring the clock's influence on core mosquito behaviors [Revised program]
Due to the current situation in Japan, we changed the program for the mosquito mini-symposium.
Detail is here
Mosquito mini-symposium announcement: Exploring the clock's influence on core mosquito behaviors
Mosquitoes act as vectors of diseases which cause hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. Current control methods are proving increasingly inadequate in the face of increased insecticidal resistance and adaptative mosquito behaviours. Novel control methodologies are thus required, which necessitates an improved understanding of basic mosquito biology. This is particularly true for the two most important mosquito behaviors from a human perspective; host seeking and mating.
Whilst these behaviors are of course highly distinct, underlying both is the mosquito's circadian clock. Mosquitoes are exquisitely circadian animals and show a strong rhythmicity in their biting and copulating propensities. This symposium will focus on the latest scientific advances in our knowledge of the mosquito circadian clock, and how genetic manipulations to the core clock machinery can impact mosquito behavior.
Mosquitoes act as vectors of diseases which cause hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. Current control methods are proving increasingly inadequate in the face of increased insecticidal resistance and adaptative mosquito behaviours. Novel control methodologies are thus required, which necessitates an improved understanding of basic mosquito biology. This is particularly true for the two most important mosquito behaviors from a human perspective; host seeking and mating.
Whilst these behaviors are of course highly distinct, underlying both is the mosquito's circadian clock. Mosquitoes are exquisitely circadian animals and show a strong rhythmicity in their biting and copulating propensities. This symposium will focus on the latest scientific advances in our knowledge of the mosquito circadian clock, and how genetic manipulations to the core clock machinery can impact mosquito behavior.
15:00 - 15:10 Welcome
Part 1 [Japanese]
15:10 - 16:10 Prof Hirotaka Kanuka
'Biology of disease-transmitting mosquito'
15:00 - 15:10 Welcome
Part 1 [Japanese]
15:10 - 16:10 Prof Hirotaka Kanuka
'Biology of disease-transmitting mosquito'
16:15 - 16:45 Prof. Takashi Miyake
'魚から吸血する蚊 カニアナヤブ蚊の生態と吸血源'
'魚から吸血する蚊 カニアナヤブ蚊の生態と吸血源'
Part 2 [English]
16:50 - 17:50 Dr Matthew Su
'The role of acoustic communication in Aedes courtship'
17:50 - 18:00 Concluding remarks
16:50 - 17:50 Dr Matthew Su
'The role of acoustic communication in Aedes courtship'
17:50 - 18:00 Concluding remarks
Contact: Azusa Kamikouchi / Matthew Paul Su
kamikouchi<at> / su.matthew.paul<at> (<at>→@)