Nagoya University

Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research



Fiscal yearly archive:
  • GTR-ITbM-RCMS Seminar
    Date: Jan.28(Tue),2025,13:30−15:00
    Venue: Lecture Room, ITbM 1F
    Speaker: Prof. Davide Bonifazi (University of Vienna, Austria)
    Title: Aromatic Hydrocarbons Engaging with Light: Synthetic Strategies for Tailoring Properties
  • "GTR fundamental course II" Academic Paper Writing Seminar(論文執筆セミナー)
    Date: Jan.16(Thu)13:00-15:00, Jan.20(Mon)13:00-15:00,
    Jan.24(Fri)13:00-15:00, Jan.30(Thu)13:00-15:00,
    Instructor: Maybelline Yeo(Trainer & Editorial Development Advisor)
    Title: Academic Paper Writing Seminar(論文執筆セミナー)
    ※Using Online
  • "GTR fundamental course II" Presentation Skill : Professional Development Workshop
    Date: Jan.10(Fri)10:00-16:00
    Venue: Ace Lab S, Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Main Building, 2F
    Instructor: ZENG Wei (Lecturer, Graduate School of Humanities at Nagoya University)
    Title: Presentation Skill : Professional Development Workshop
  • GTR Seminar / Topics in Advanced Biological Science
    Date: Dec.13(Fri),2024,15:00−16:30
    Venue: Science building E131
    Speaker: Dr. Suhong Xu (Zhejiang University)
    Title: Strategies for plasma membrane repair
  • ISTbM-10 / 8th Tsuneko & Reiji Okazaki Award
    Date: Dec.12(Thu),2024,10:00-17:10
    Venue: Lecture Room, Noyori Materials Science Laboratory
    Title: ISTbM-10 / 8th Tsuneko & Reiji Okazaki Award
    Date: Nov.11(Mon),2024,15:00−16:30
    Venue: Lecture Hall, Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Bldg. 2F
    Speaker: Prof. Eli Zysman-Colman (Organic Semiconductor Centre,EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews, UK)
    Title: Design of multiresonancethermally activated delayed fluorescence materials for organic light-emitting diodes and light-emitting electrochemical cells
  • The 150th Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar/GTR Seminar/CIBoG Seminar
    Date: Nov.7(Thu),2024,16:00-17:30
    Venue: Lecture room 205,2F, Pharmaceutical Science Bldg
    Speaker: Professor Sing Yian CHEW, PhD (The Sch. of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Lee Kong Chian Sch. of Medicine/Sch. of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological Univ.,Singapore)
    Title: Guiding Cell Fate and Tissue Regeneration Using Biomimetic Scaffolds
  • GTR-RCMS-IRCCS Seminar
    Venue:Sakata and Hirata Hall (Science South Building)
    Speaker:Prof. Dr. Thomas R. Ward (Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland, the director of the NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering)
    Title: Artificial metalloenzymes for new-to-nature whole-cell biocatalysis: challenges and opportunities
    Date: Nov.1(Fri),2024, 9:30-11:00(Cancel)
    Venue: Meeting Room 713, 7F, Eng. Build. No. 1
    Speaker: Professor Junfeng ZHAO (Guangzhou Medical University (広州医科大学),China)
    Title: The Journey to Greening Peptide Synthesis Recent publications
  • D-Center & GTR Joint Seminar
    Venue:1101 Lecture Room, 10F, Eng. Building No. 1
    Speaker:Prof. Christophe Sinturel (University of Orléans, France)
    Title:Polymers for Surface Nanopatterning: from Block Polymer Self-Assembly to Colloidal Lithography
  • ITbM-GTR Seminar
    Date: Oct.22(Tue),2024, 16:30-18:00
    Venue: Lecture Room, 1F ITbM
    Speaker: Professor Wolf B. Frommer (Heinrich-Heine University / ITbM, Nagoya University)
    Title: Is symplasmic transport through plasmodesmata mediated by liquid phase separated condensates at the two orifices?
  • GTR Seminar
    Venue:1101 Lecture Room, 10F, Eng. Building No. 1
    Speaker1:Dr. Sylvain Caillol, Research Director (University of Montpellier, France)
    Title:A Journey around Circularity in Polymers, from Renewable Resources to Recycling
    Speaker2:Dr. Vincent Ladmiral, Research Director (University of Montpellier, France)
    Title: Fluorine-Activated Vitrimers
    Date: Oct.4(Fri),2024,16:30-18:00
    Venue: Fuji hall, EI Bldg.2F
    Speaker: Professor Dr. Lei Gong (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Xiamen University, China)
    Title: Asymmetric Transformations of Unsaturated Compounds via Light-Driven 3d Metal Catalysis
  • GTR seminar
    Date:Sep. 25(Wed),2024,16:00-17:30
    Venue:Lecture room 205,2F,Pharmaceutical Science Bldg
    Speaker:Prof.Dr. Jun Wang(Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU))
    Title:Facile Access to Chiral Phosphorus Compounds via Transition Metal-catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrophosphination
    Date: Sep.12(Thu), 2024,13:00-14:30
    Venue: Fuji hall, EI Bldg.2F
    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Chi Zhang(State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, College of
    Chemistry, Nankai University,China)
    Title: A Powerful Way to Make Fluorinated Organic Compounds-Hypervalent Iodine Reagents Can
  • GTR Seminar / Topics in Advanced Biological Science
    Date: Sep. 5(Thu)2024,16:00-17:30
    Venue: Lecture room E131,Science E Building
    Speaker: Prof. Karuna Sampath (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
    Title: Pining down germline development
    Date: Sep. 3(Tue),2024,16:00-17:30
    Venue: Lecture Hall, Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Bldg. 2F
    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh(SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India)
    Title: Our Recent Research on the Applications of Fluorescent Dyes
  • GTR Seminar
    Venue:Sci Agr build. SA329
    Speaker:Professor Dr. Bambang SUGIHARTO(Jember University, professor Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Center for Development of Advanced Science and Technology (CDAST))
    Title: Enhancing sugarcane growth quality and yield through biotechnological approaches
  • GTR-IRCCS-RCMS Seminar
    Date: Aug.5(Mon),2024,10:30−12:00
    Venue: Chemistry Gallery,Noyori Materials Science Laboratory
    Speaker: Prof. Yan Zhao (Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University)
    Title: Molecularly Imprinted Nanoparticles as Highly Selective Artificial Receptors and Enzymes
  • GTR Seminar / Advanced Biological Science
    Date: July 29(Mon),2024,14:00-15:30
    Venue: Science G Building G101
    Speaker: Dr. Kenta Asahina (Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
    Title: Cost and benefit of fighting: insect models of conflict resolution and social structure
  • GTR Seminar
    Date:July 24(Wed),2024,16:30-18:00
    Venue:Fuji hall, EI Bldg.2F
    Speaker:Prof. Jean-François Longevial(University of Lorraine)
    Title:Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in a Dihydrotetraazapentacene: Drastic Color Changes
    Date:July 17(Wed),2024,16:30-18:00
    Venue:Fuji hall, EI Bldg.2F
    Speaker:Dr. Xin-Yuan Liu (Professor, Department of Chemistry, SUSTech, China)
    Title:Cu/Chiral Anionic Ligand-Catalyzed Enantioselective Radical Reactions
  • GTR Seminar / Topics in Advanced Biological Science
    Date:July 12(Fri)2024,15:00-16:30
    Venue:Lecture room E131,Science E Building
    Speaker:Dr. Zhu Yan (National Institute of Genetics)
    Title:Unravel the gene regulatory network governing the binary decision of neuronal midline crossing
  • GTR Seminar / Topics in Advanced Biological Science
    Date:July 8(Mon)2024,16:00-17:30
    Venue:Lecture room 222,Science A Building
    Speaker:Dr. Nicholas MI Taylor (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    Title:5:2 molecular motors: from bacterial motility to anti-phage defense
    Date: July 4(Thu),2024,16:30-18:00
    Venue: Fuji hall, EI Bldg.2F
    Speaker: Dr. Marcos García Suero (ICREA Research Professor & Group Leader Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia ICIQ, Spain)
    Title: New Carbyne Transfer in Organic Synthesis
  • GTR Seminar
    Date:July 3(Wed),2024,16:30-17:30
    Venue:1101 Lecture Room, 10F, Eng. Building No. 1
    Speaker:Dr. Tejwant Singh Kang (Guru Nanak Dev University, India)
    Title:Ionic Liquids for Colloids and Materials for Sustainable Development Goals
  • RCMS & GTR Seminar
    Date:June 24 (Mon)10:30-12:00
    Venue: Chemistry Gallery,Noyori Materials Science Laboratory
    Speaker:Prof. Talal Mallah(Université Paris-Saclay)
    Title: Electron and spin (de)localization in polynuclear complexes based on a triphenylene tris dioxolene bridge, experiment and theory
  • GTR Seminar / Functional DNA/RNA Seminar
    Date: June 10(Mon),2024,15:30-17:00
    Venue: 131 Lecture Room, 3F, Eng. Building No. 1
    Speaker: Prof.Hans-Achim Wagenknecht (Institut für Organische Chemie -Lehrstuhl II,Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany)
    Title: Nucleic acid chemistry with light : Bioorthogonal reactions, fluorescence and photodamage
    Date:June 4 (Tue),2024,15:00-18:00
    Venue: Fuji hall, EI Bldg.2F
    Speaker: Dr. Ye Zhu(Assistant Professor,Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
    Title:Electrostatic Interactions Enable Remote Stereocontrol in Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling
    Speaker: Dr. Gavin Chit Tsui(Associate Professor,Department of Chemistry,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    Title:New Tools for Accessing Fluorinated Molecules
  • GTR Seminar / Topics in Advanced Biological Science
    Date:May 29(Wed),2024,17:00-18:30
    Venue:Lecture room 131,Science E Building
    Speaker:Dr. Ananthanarayan Kumar (Researcher, The Discovery Centre, AstraZeneca, Cambridge, UK)
    Title:Utilizing an Integrative Structural Biology Strategy to Visualize Complex Nucleic Acid Machinery