The 6th Workshop of ITbM/GTR Consortium
We are writing to inform you about "The 6th Workshop of ITbM/GTR Consortium" as follows.
The 6th Workshop of ITbM/GTR Consortium
Date:January 15, 2021 (Fri)13:30-16:25
(13:30-15:20: ITbM Seminar,15:25-16:25: Seminar by 3 of the member companies)
Registration:Please register from here by January 12, 2021.
*The seminar speakers, as well as those who have already signed up for this workshop are not required.
For more detail; Please see the program.
If you have any questions, please contact ITbM/GTR consortium secretariat, "itbm-gtr.cons<at><at>→@))"
Contact person: Ms. Reiko Matsushima, Dr. Aki Miura