GTR Fundamental CourseⅡ: "Collaboration" Professional Development Workshop
This workshop focuses on the skills to collaborate with people from different fields effectively.
Through lectures and activities, you will learn how to solve problems creatively with people with different specialties.
※This workshop is face-to-face. However, it will be conducted with following Guidelines for Activities at Nagoya University and implementing with measures to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Title: "Collaboration" Professional Development Workshop
Lecturer: ZENG Wei (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities) & Kazunori ISHIBASHI (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science)
Date: Feb.22,2021, 10:00-17:00
Venue: Ace Lab S, Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Main Building, 2F
Detail and Apply are here
(For GTR students) Registration on GTR e-portfolio, too. (Dead line: Feb.10)
※If the capacity is exceeded, applications will be closed early.
Language: English
Point: GTR Fundamental course Ⅱ (2pt)