Nagoya University

Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research


GTR Fundamental Course Ⅱ "Presentation Skills" Professional Development Workshop

Dear graduate students,

Doctoral Education Consortium (DEC) is providing the Skill training "Professional Development Workshop".
This workshop focuses on the skills to communicate your research to the general public effectively.
Through lectures and activities, you will learn how to create a logical story, helpful slides, and an engaging conversation for a good presentation.

Detail is here.

<English>2/28(Mon), 3/1(Tue)10:00〜12:00(Please participate on both days)

Venue:Ace Lab S, Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Main Building, 2F
Eligibility:Graduate students of Nagoya University and Gifu University
Maximum Participants:20

For GTR students;
This workshop is GTR Fundamental Course Ⅱ (2pt).
 If you want to receive credit,
1:please registration from here.
2:Please enroll in gtr e-portfolio (Dead line: Feb,13) .

DEC is looking forward to your registration.

Doctoral Education Consortium (nu-hakase<at><at>→@))