Nagoya University

Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research


GTR Seminar / Topics in Advanced Biological Science

e would like to inform you of the following seminar.
We look forward to your active participation.

Lecturer  :Dr. Warren R. Francis (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)

Date & Time : Monday, May 22th, 16:30-18:00
Title    : Bioluminescence, from ocean to genome
Venue   : Science Building E #131
Language  : English
Contact   : 別所上原学(bessho.manabu.a6<at><at>→@))

★GTR international students only
This seminar is "GTR Lecture series on multidisciplinary problems (1pt.)".
Enroll in gtr e-portfolio (Dead line: May 18).Grades will be judged by report. Report submission from TACT by June 5.