名古屋大学 卓越大学院プログラム


Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research


GTR & RCMS Seminar

Dear all,
The details of this seminar are as follows.

日時/ Date:June.22,2022 16:00 ~17:30
開催場所/Venue:Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Noyori Lecture Room
講演者/ Speaker:Prof. S. P. Rath (Department of Chemistry Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
演題/ Title:Multi-Heme Proteins: Nature's Design and Effect of Heme-Heme Interactions on the Functional Control

Multiheme cytochrome constitutes a widespread class of proteins with essential functions in electron transfer and enzymatic catalysis. Their functional properties are in part determined by the relative arrangement of multiple heme cofactors. Understanding the significance of these motifs is crucial for the elucidation of the highly optimized properties of multiheme cytochromes c, but their spectroscopic investigation is often restricted by the presence of a large number and efficient coupling of the individual centers. The diheme cytochrome c (DHC2) from G. sulfurreducens is, however, the simplest member of such family, with two heme groups attached through a single polypeptide chain that are found to be different. A large number of diheme enzymes such as MauG and bacterial diheme cytochrome c peroxidases (bCcP) are also known which catalyze various important chemical transformations in biology. These attractive features have prompted us to investigate on the biomimetic model of multi-heme cytochromes as a part of our ongoing research.[1-4] This talk will highlights some of our recent results.

Contact: Osami Shoji (shoji.osami.w3<at>f.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp (<at>→@))

★このセミナーは外国人GTR学生向けGTRシリーズ講義です。レポートを提出し合格した外国人GTR生には、シリーズ講義1ポイントが付与されます。レポートはNUCTから提出いただきます。受講を希望する場合はGTR e-ポートフォリオにも登録してください。