名古屋大学 卓越大学院プログラム


Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research


GTR Seminar/第77回有機元素化学セミナー

Prof. Streubel studies a wide variety of main group chemistry, including many "reactive intermediates",
"strained heterocycles", and "aromatic heterocycles" having low-coordinate p-block elements. In this
lecture, he is going to focus on the chemistry of phosphorus compounds in low oxidation state,
"phosphinidenoid", as a complex with transition metals. This type of compounds exhibit a variety of
structure and reactivity to be an interesting building block for inorganic synthesis.

Host: Makoto Yamashita (Grad. Sch. of Eng.) (makoto<at>oec.chembio.nagoya-u.ac.jp (<at>→@))

 付与されます。レポートはNUCTから提出いただきます。受講を希望する場合はGTR e-ポートフォリオにも登録してください。