GTR Seminar / 生命理学セミナー
Date:Dec 9(Fri)2022,16:30‒18:00
Venue:Room A222,Science Building A
Speaker:Prof.Kentaro Arikawa ( Neuroethology,SOKENDAI-Hayama,Japan)
Title:Neuroethology of butterfly color vision
Language: English
Abstract :
Papilio butterflies use color vision when searching for flowers to get
nectar. Their color vision is tetrachromatic based on the R-G-B plus
UV-sensitive photoreceptors: the resulting wavelength discrimination
ability even rivals ours. How does the wavelength information at the
photoreceptors turn into "colors" in the brain? I will introduce how
we have addressed the question and what the scientists may enjoy
Contact: Azusa Kamikouchi (kamikouchi.azusa.r4<at> (<at>→@に変換))
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