名古屋大学 卓越大学院プログラム


Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research


Insect Neuroscience Symposium / アドバンス生命理学特論

We will hold an insect neuroscience symposium supported by the GTR featuring speakers from the National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, Tohoku University and Nagoya University.

Date: Tuesday May 7th 2024
Time: 9:00 - 12:30
Venue: Science G Building G101

9:00 - 9:25
Matthew Su (Nagoya Univ): 'The influence of the circadian clock on mosquito hearing systems and behaviors'

9:30 - 11:00 (Advanced Biological Science Seminar) Chun-Hong Chen (台湾、国家衛生研究院):'Circadian Rhythms in Aedes Mosquitoes'

11:00 - 12:30 (Advanced Biological Science Seminar) Toshiharu Ichinose (Tohoku University):'Cell type distinction and adaptation through translational regulations in the Drosophila brain'

Pre-registration is not required, and we encourage graduate students to join.
For graduate students who would like to gain credit for Advanced Biological Science, please visit TACT for details.

Many thanks,
Azusa Kamikouchi

・Chun-Hong Chen (台湾、国家衛生研究院):'Circadian Rhythms in Aedes Mosquitoes'
・Toshiharu Ichinose (Tohoku University):'Cell type distinction and adaptation through translational regulations in the Drosophila brain'
それぞれの講義についてレポートを提出し合格した外国人GTR生には、シリーズ講義1ポイントが付与されます。レポートはTACTから提出いただきます。受講を希望する場合はGTR e-ポートフォリオにも登録してください。