GTRセミナー / アドバンス生命理学特論
Salk Institute (米国) でラボを構える朝比奈
We will hold a GTR seminar. The Speaker, Dr. Kenta Asahina, is interested in the neuronal mechanism of animal behavior, especially complex social interaction behaviors. His is also interested in expanding the research scope to comparative genomics, evolutionary ethology and social behaviors. Pre-registration is not required, and we encourage graduate students to join.
日時/Date: Monday July 29th 2024 14:00 - 15:30
場所/Venue: Science G Building G101 (理学G館 G101)
講演者/Speaker: Dr. Kenta Asahina (Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
演題/Title: Cost and benefit of fighting: insect models of conflict resolution and social structure
言語/Language: English (質疑は日本語でも受け付けます)
世話人/Contact: Azusa Kamikouchi
kamikouchi.azusa.r4<at> (<at>→@に変換)
An optimal choice of behavior during social interactions depends on both internal needs and behavioral responses from the other individual. A major goal of our lab is to understand molecular and neuronal mechanisms that support the cost-benefit calculations during social interactions, using fighting behaviors of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
Despite its compact nervous system, we and others found that the flies adjust the intensity and duration to fight based on both internal and external conditions. I will specifically discuss our recent progresses in two research areas: 1) a neural mechanism underlying social defeat, and 2) neuropeptidergic modulation of aggressive behavior by nutritional deficits.
★このセミナーは外国人GTR学生向けGTRシリーズ講義です。それぞれの講義についてレポートを提出し合格した外国人GTR生には、シリーズ講義1ポイントが付与されます。レポートはTACTから提出いただきます。受講を希望する場合はGTR e-ポートフォリオにも登録してください。