Emi Mishiro

Center chief, Designated Lecturer

Proteomics, post-translational modification, biochemistry, cancer, cachexia
The Molecular Structure Center is equipped with cutting-edge mass spectrometers and data analysis software for structural determination of organic and biological molecules synthesized by members of ITbM. To facilitate analysis by ITbM members and other researchers, we will discuss the best analysis method for your purposes.(1) High performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometer equipped with a nanospray unit for proteomics analysis (nanoLC-MS/MS); (2) High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer equipped with a Fourier transformation spectrometer for high accuracy synthesized molecules analysis (LC-MS); (3) High performance gas chromatography-mass spectrometer for metabolomics analysis (GC-MS); (4) Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometer for protein interaction analysis (HDX-MS); (5) Proteome Discoverer software, etc.


2002B.S.; University of Miyazaki (Agriculture)
2004M.S.; University of Miyazaki (Agriculture)
2007Ph.D.; The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University, Miyazaki (Agriculture)
2007-2010Researcher; National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center
2010-2013Research Fellow; National Center for Global Health and Medicine
2013-2017Assistant Professor; Kitasato University School of Pharmacy
2017-2022Research Resident; Aichi Cancer Center
2022-presentCenter Chief, Designated Lecturer; Molecular Structure Center, WPI-ITbM, Nagoya University