Research Highlights
Zwitterionic Acridinium Amidate: A Nitrogen-Centered Radical Catalyst for Photoinduced Direct Hydrogen Atom Transfer
Research Highlights
Nonplanar Nanographene: A Hydrocarbon Hole-Transporting Material That Competes with Triarylamines
Research Highlights
If the Crown Fits: Sterically Demanding N-Heterocyclic Carbene Promotes the Formation of Au8Pt Nanoclusters
Research Highlights
Controlling lipid levels with less side effects possible with new drug
Research Highlights
Enantiospecific Cross-coupling of Cyclic Alkyl Sulfones
Research Highlights
Sulfur-Bridged Cationic Diazulenomethenes: Formation of Charge-Segregated Assembly with High Charge-Carrier Mobility
Research Highlights
Photocatalytic carbyne reactivity of phosphorus ylides for three-component formal cycloaddition reactions
Research Highlights
p-Diarylbory Halothiophenols as Multifunctional Catalysts via Photoactive Intramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pairs
Research Highlights
How listening for the right buzz keeps mosquitoes from mating with the wrong species
Research Highlights
Neural-circuit basis of song preference learning in fruit flies
Research Highlights
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Lipid Heterogeneity in the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane with a Super-photostable Environment-sensitive Probe
Research Highlights
How plants mate for life and repel other suitors
Research Highlights
STR mutations on chromosome 15q cause thyrotropin resistance by activating a primate-specific enhancer of MIR7-2/MIR1179
Research Highlights
The Chaperone NASP Contributes to De Novo Deposition of the Centromeric Histone Variant CENH3 in Arabidopsis Early Embryogen
Research Highlights
In-Silico Screening and Experimental Verification of Near-Infrared-Emissive Two-Boron-Doped Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Research Highlights
Lipid droplets in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves contain myosin-binding proteins and enzymes associated with furan-containing fatty acid biosynthesis
Research Highlights
Near-infrared imaging of phytochrome-derived autofluorescence in plant nuclei
Research Highlights
Stereochemistry-Dependent Labeling of Organelles with a Near-Infrared-Emissive Phosphorus-Bridged Rhodamine Dye in Live-Cell Imaging