Wolf Frommer

主任研究者、教授 (デュッセルドルフ大学、ドイツ)

Frommerグループでは農業に資する糖などの生体内代謝物の可視化指示薬及び制御ツールの開発、並びに植物の膜輸送タンパク質の研究を行っており、以下の3つの研究テーマを展開しています。 ⑴ In vivo biochemistry: 代謝物の生体内動態を可視化する蛍光指示薬と代謝制御ツールの開発 ⑵ 膜輸送タンパク質の基質選択性の解析と阻害剤の単離 ⑶ 代謝フローを制御する低分子化合物受容体の同定


1983-1987Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.), Institute for Genetics, University of Köln, Germany
1988–1989Postdoctoral fellow, Institut für Genbiologische Forschung, Germany
1990–1991Head of research group, Institut für Genbiologische Forschung, Germany
1992–1996Head; Independent Young Investigator Group, Institut für Genbiologische Forschung, Germany
1996-2003Full Professor, Chair of Plant Physiology; Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany
1997-2001Cofounder and Director; Center for Plant Molecular Biology Tübingen (ZMBP), Germany
2003-2017Staff Member; Carnegie Science, USA
2004-2011Adjunct Professor; Stanford University, USA
2006-2016Bio-X Affiliated Faculty; Stanford University, USA
2007-2009Vice President; JBEI (Joint Bioenergy Institute), USA
2007-2015Visiting Faculty; Laurence Berkeley National Laboratories, USA
2007-2016Director; Carnegie Science, USA
2011-2016Full Professor; Stanford University, USA
2016-現在名古屋大学 トランスフォーマティブ生命分子
研究所 客員教授、海外主任研究者
2017-現在Full Professor; Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf and Max Planck Institute for Breeding Research, Köln, Germany
2017-現在Humboldt Professorship; Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf and Max Planck Institute for Breeding Research, Köln, Germany


2018 Tsungming Tu Award
2016 Alexander von Humboldt Professorship - International Prize for Research in Germany
2017 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher
2018 Clarivate-Web of Science Highly Cited
2015 German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
2012 Laurence Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology, (American Society of Plant Biologists)
2009 ISI Highly Cited
2003 Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS
2001 Körber Award for European Science
1998 Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Award from Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft
1992-1996 Young Investigator Award (Nachwuchsgruppe am Genzentrum Berlin, Institut für Genbiologische Forschung)
